Thursday, January 30, 2020

Teaching Schedule

Back to teaching a few classes.

Please check this link (teaching schedule) for details. Triangles, quit-as-you-go and squares.

I hope to see you!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


I've been using found paper in my textile work for many years.  10 years...No....More...20 years.

I made an art piece in 2007 and the entire back was paper!

I have made my own paper adding thread between the pulp layers.

In medieval times, paper was made using rags.

To me, there is a connection between the paper and the textile.

I saw a wonderful exhibit at Artscape Youngplace recently- upstairs near the coffee shop.
(BTW, I am teaching at that Artscape location in February and March. Click here for details)

I love to see stitching in paper.

You need to know what you are sewing with paper because you can't undo it. You can't unpick it. It will leave a series of tiny holes in the paper!

Enjoy the images and image all that gorgeous paper and thread hanging above your head. Dreamy.

(Art work, The Sky is Falling, 2020, by visual artist, Jessica Hiemsha)

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Preparing for a Talk

I am super excited to be the guest speaker at the Peaceful Nights Quilters Guild on Wednesday.

I've been preparing during the last few days, digging out art work and quilts from the cupboards.

It is nice to go through some of the things I haven't seen in a while. Many of my quilts are packed away. All of my art work is rolled up and sits on top of a cabinet.  I never see it.

So it's been a treat to enjoy those pieces.

I am glad to be sharing some of them with the members of the guild.

The theme of my presentation is Inspiration- where to find it and how to translate it.

My presentation is more like a lesson that a talk about me and my work, although the audience will learn about me and the way I work while I speak about the pieces. I want people to go back to their studios inspired and ready to create THEIR work, to have THEIR ideas brought out in textile, be it traditional or contemporary.

This is open to anyone. If you are interested, come along!