Thursday, January 7, 2016

Lace Shapes

I have always liked hand crocheted doilies. I have collected a few myself from Italy and a special one from Austria, a gift.

I don't know where to put them because they don't really go with my decor but they are special to me.

I appreciate the time the nameless women took to create each little stitch to make the intricate pattern.

This one was made by my Italian friend, Liana,
from the south of Italy. It was a gift to me last summer.
UPPERCASE magazine issue 26, has a selection of beautiful pictures of different kinds of lace and doilies. They were made popular in the 17th century by a cloth merchant named Doiley.

Hand made by Liana, another gift.

They were use in Victorian times. They were displayed over the backs of couches and chairs to protect the couch from men's oily hair products. They were sometimes placed under cups or pastries . The latter eventually replaced by paper ones.

Tile maker, Jane Sheppard, obviously feels the same as she uses them to imprint her tiles. You can see their influence in her Lace Series.

Photograph of article in House and Garden Magazine (UK)
Guess who else likes doilies this season?

I photographed this purse in a store window in Hong Kong.

I wonder how much Chanel sells it for?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for showing us that purse, sandra!
    Hope all is well with you and your worldly family. Happy New Year xo
