Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Best Ones

I was asked to be part of the jury for Verona Tessile's international exhibit, "E Lucian le Stelle...". It was a great theme as the Arena is celebrating 100 years of opera this year.

One of the Verona Tessile exhibits, "E Lucean le Stelle" at San Giorgetto 
The jury first selected the works via photographs.

First prize winner. Star Circle
by Verena Giavelli

I cannot stress how important it is to have your work professionally photographed for these types of juried exhibits. I remember the selection that was made for the Mineral's exhibit. There was one work that received the appropriate number of votes and we had to accept it. I was so worried about that piece and for no reason at all because when we actually received it, it was fabulous! The picture did not do it justice.

detail, Star Circle
She used the Hawaiian technique (Hawajano)
with a contemporary spin.
The base is one piece of fabric instead of a patchwork.
The appliqué part which is over that base is made of
 one piece of felt which was folded and cut
(remember making snowflakes
out of paper by folding and cutting?).
That creation was modified using a soldering iron
 and embellished with metallic fabric paint.
Some works were easy to choose and some were difficult.

detail, Star Circle

A few weeks ago, while all 4 jury members were in Verona together, we chose the prize winners from the selected works. That selection was done seeing the work LIVE and not through photographs.

It is interesting to view works from the perspective of a juror.

2nd place winner from an italian maker, Laura Di Cera, entitled
Il Sogno di Euterpe
She is a musician by profession and that
came through her interpretation.
The work second from the left is by Canadian maker
Gail Marmoreo from Ontario

Terry Abate, is the oldest member of Ad Maiora (she's in her 80's!) and her work was awarded 3rd prize, traditional category.

Terry (left) standing in front of her work
with one of the Canadian travellers

All works were packed up and picked up by the shipping company. Artists are always eager to get their work back! Because they are made by our hands we become so attached to them. It's nice to see them come home.


  1. What is Hawajena technique? I am intrigued.

    1. Thanks for that question. I explained it further under the third image. The artist's interpretation of a traditional appliqué technique gives her work a very interesting effect, doesn't it.

  2. Ciao!! Grazie per avermi nominata in questo post e per aver aggiunto il link al mio blog! Complimenti ancora per le tue creazioni e per la bellissima mostra sui minerali! Un abbraccio e spero di rivederti presto!!!
