Sunday, May 19, 2013

Publicity is Always Good

Is it good even when you don't know what to say? (I was hoping they'd cut that bit out!)

Castelvecchio on a sunny morning in Verona

Telepace has a program on Italian TV called La Voce delle Donne.

I took some pictures of the actual TV when
the interview aired.

I was interviewed during Verona Tessile in Castelvecchio where Canadians McCavour and Brelih had their work exhibited.

Talking about Ad Maiora Canada
while standing in front of Amanda McCavour's work
in the prestigious Sala Boggian at Castelvecchio.

Episode #29 aired in April.

Talking about Gordana Brelih's work behind me.

You can see the 20 minute program by clicking here.

Talking about Amanda McCavour's work behind me.

If you only want to see me (!) I am on from 4:00 onward.

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